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Yo pasé  el segundo nivel acercándome demasiado al rival entonces así no me daban sus ataques. Y el tercer nivel está bieeen difícil.  

You need to be VERY FAST!!!! this is hard!!! But is cool. I really liked the little guy!

Great game!

And thank you for tying my fingers into knots haha :D

No, seriously i would love to play the game with individual controls...

Nice game, really hard but works well. The boss could have so HP bar for the player see if he was close to kill.  There is no Amazonia's florest in the most of the fases marked  in the map, the florest is more to the north of the Brazil and in other countries  of south america. But great Job trying to alert the players to the problem!

Nice game ...but its tooo hard .... Good work... 

Check out my game too....

2nd mini boss design was awesome!!!!

Congrats guys, keep the good work.
PD: Pokemon joke was really bad lol.